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世界スカウト機構ウェブページにPax IV Hyper登場

世界スカウト機構のウェブページ(ユースプログラム/環境プロジェクト) にPax IV Hyperとネパールのローバースカウトとのプロジェクトが掲載されました:Nepal – Japan Joint Environmental Project。活動写真が載っただけではなく、過去約6年間継続して活動していること、植林や環境ワークショップを現地で実施していること、そして本活動を通じてローバースカウトが環境問題、チームマネージメント、地域開発等を学んでいるとの記事になっています。



The Kantipur Open Rover Crew and Ever Green Open Rover Crew in Nepal and Japan’s Pax IV Hyper group have been working on a joint environmental project in Kathmandu valley, Nepal for the last six years.

In February 2007 the Rover Scouts from both Nepal and Japan organised and ran several environmental workshops for local children which included a tree planting programme. Through these activities, the Rover Scouts learned not only about nature and the environment, but they also learned about education for children, team management, and community leadership.

With such community and personal fulfilment, the Nepali and Japanese Rover Scouts are committed to continuing with the relationship and project in the coming years, and welcome other countries to join.



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